Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas from The Pipe and Slipper.

God bless our family and friends. May you all enjoy this special time with your loved ones. 

All the best. — in Washago, Ontario.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Guardians of Pipe and Slipper Farm

We have these two dogs at The Pipe and Slipper. Abby and Meika. They are Japanese Akitas. I have read that they may be the most ancient dog breed on earth.
This is a photo Nelly took in Killarney.

When we are at home people often ask why wild animals don't come eat our chickens, turkey's, rabbits and goats. I am sure that these dogs must prevent this. There is a pack of coyotes, bears, fishers and even some wolves that all live nearby yet they don't come near our domestic animals. Hats off to these beautiful dogs. They know what their job is and they do it.

There are two dogs in this picture, not counting John.
Some Akitas can occasionally change colour to blend in with their surroundings.

Dog Saves Duck's Goose

I'd just like to thank the dogs for saving my Lilly white butt again.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Blandings Turtle Takes a Dive

The Blandings turtle was almost ready to roll down this hill into the pond. Along comes Nelly and gives him a ride. He was happy to hit the water. More tales from The Pipe and Slipper.... Lots of people enjoying the trails and beauty this past weekend.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Turkey roasts marshmallows on Thanksgiving.

We had a bonfire tonight. It was beautiful. The sky was clear, the stars were bright. I looked beside me and cuddled up next to my chair is my pet turkey " Pete". If Pete could talk, what would he say?

Pete the Turkey