Friday, 10 February 2017

After the Snowfall...How to Avoid Cabin Fever

It's that time of year again. Sure we spend lots of time outside tending to the animals but there's more to stopping yourself from going wacky in the dead of winter. I've always had short conversations with my horse, Thunderboy. But this time of year the conversations become longer and more detailed. 

Some quiet talks even delve way into the past. Yesterday we talked about a tussle I had in grade six at DHC. ( That was my public school ). I asked Thunder what he'd do if someone kicked me in the privates and ran home, leaving me laying on the muddy ground. Thunder just looked at me with his one eye, dropped a pile of horse turds and walked away. 

Just before he walked away, I thought he might say something. Then I realized I wasn't right in the head. This is cabin fever. Horses don't reply in English. They speak horse. He has a soft nose and uses it to nudge me for a Jolly Rancher or a donut. He knows I'm acting strange. 

Here are some ways to avoid cabin fever.... 

  1. When it's around -10, run out to get the mail in just slippers, a t-shirt and long underwear. Bring a cell phone in case you slip and smash your head on the gate. You may need to call a neighbour to get you into the house. 
  2. Go on a diet where all you can eat is salad without dressing. You're already nuts. You may as well go completely mental and feel like you're freezing to death. 
  3. Start arguments with your wife. You already know she's way smarter than you, now you can prove it. Oh and you won't have anyone to talk to at home but animals. This will go on for days. 
  4. This is the best one. Think about politics. The result will be superb. This is when you go completely wacky but you think you're fine as you give everyone your opinion on Donald Trump. 
  5. Now you've completely forgotten about Cabin fever.

- John

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